One evening in February 2008, Leo Stollwitzer and Ernst
Steinicke, two academics from Austria, rested at the famous
Speke Restaurant in downtown Kampala to go over their
intense experiences in Uganda during their university
research project, when a well-dressed young man introduced
himself to them and handed them a dossier-like pack of
shoddy copies. “All I ask you gentlemen is to read over this,”
the young Ugandan man said. They were quite skeptical at
first as they had been warned before of so-called “donor
charming scams.” Nevertheless, they went over the dossier,
which turned out to be a well thought through project
proposal for a small street children center in Kampala named
“Save Street Children Uganda/SASCU”. Here’s when something
clicked inside Leo and Ernst as they had the same thought.
“We’ll be damned if we can’t help with this.”