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Assigning the Project Manager As the rule of thumb you can follow the steps below: Are the qualifications of the assigned Project Manager suitable for managing the project at hand. - He/She shall have an experience in (successfully) managing at least 2 (two) projects of the half size of the project at hand (measured in terms of number of persons involved, team size, hours or amount of time and money.
- Handled particulary comparable Complexity (number of involved parties, political environment and issues, technology).
If above (qualifications) can’t be assured in full, define and manage the measures to be executed periodically.
If you are the assigned project manager then do following (at minimum): Initiate the risk management process (guidance and control) if yet not in place. Review (and/or be assistant in writing) the Project Charter – accept or discuss required changes with the owner of the contract. If you feel insecure about your assignment request coaching.
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