The following is merely a short list of selected references on this topic, which was inspired by an inquiry (see "SHREW TALK" Vol. 1, No. 3). Of course, there is a great bulk of literature on this topic... One can hardly manage to get through the jungle of references a Biosis- or Zoological Records- search would reveal.
691 Canova, L., M. Fasola (1991): Communities of small mammals in six biotopes of northern Italy. Acta Theriologica 36(1-2): 73-86. (English)
1030 Degraaf, R.M., D.P. Snyder, B.J. Hill (1991): Small mammal habitat associations in poletimber and sawtimber stands of four forest cover types. Forest Ecology and Management 46(3-4): 227-242. (English)
1356 Fa, J.E., E. Shaw, A. Santana (1992): Habitat associations of small mammals in a southern Spanish fir forest. Mammalia 56(3): 478-481. (English)
1485 Fons, R., R. Libois, M.-C. Saint Girons (1980): Les Micromammifères dans le département des Pyrénées-Orientales: Essai de répartition altitudinale en liaison avec les étages de végétation. Vie Milieu 30 (3-4): 285-299.
1861 Haberl, W. (1995): Zum Beutespektrum des Mäusebussards, Buteo buteo (Accipitridae, Aves), im Waldviertel (Niederösterreich). (Contribution to the prey analysis of the buzzard in the Waldviertel region, Lower Austria.). Egretta 38: 124-129. (German; English summ.)
1980 Hansson, L. (1978): Small mammal abundance in relation to environmental variables in three Swedish forest phases. Studia Forestalia Suedica 147. 40 pp.
2800 Kitchings, J.T., D.J. Levy (1981): Habitat patterns in a small mammal community. J. Mammalogy 62(4): 814-820.
2813 Knorre, D. von, G. Barnikov (1981): Der Einfluß der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzungsformen auf die Kleinsäugerfauna - dargestellt an Befunden aus der Analyse von Gewöllen der Schleiereule (Tyto alba). Wiss. Z. Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Math.-Nat. R. 30: 661-670.
3199 Loman, J. (1991): Small mammal and raptor densities in habitat islands: Area effects in a south Swedish agricultural landscape. Landscape Ecology 5(3): 183-189. (English)
3588 Miller, D.H., L.L. Getz (1977): Factors influencing local distribution and species diversity of forest small mammals in New England. Can. J. Zool. 55: 806-814.
4356 Raczynski, J., S. Fedyk, Z. Gebczynska, M. Pucek (1986): Distribution of micromammalia against natural differentiation of the Biebrza valley habitats. Pol. Ecol. Stud. 10(3/4): 425-445.
4566 Rowe-Rowe, D.T., J.A.J. Meester (1982): Habitat preferences and abundance relations of small mammals in the Natal Drakensberg. S. Afr. J. Zool. 17 (4): 202-209.
4837 Schröpfer, R. (1987): Habitat preference and structure of silvicolous small mammal zoocoenoses. (Habitatpraferenz und Struktur silvicoler Theriozonosen.) Verhandlungen Gesellschaft für Ökologie 17 (1989): 437-443. (German)
4856 Schwartz, O.A., A.M. Vivas, A. Orris, C.J. Miller (1994): Small mammal species associations in three types of roadside habitats in Iowa. Prairie Naturalist 26(1): 45-52. (English)
5122 Sonerud, G.A. (1986): Effect of snow cover on seasonal changes in diet, habitat, and regional distribution of raptors that prey on small mammals in boreal zones of Fennoscandia. Holarctic Ecol. 9: 33-47.
5124 Sonerud, G.A., R. Solheim, B.V. Jacobsen (1986): Home-range use and habitat selection during hunting in a male TengmalmÕs owl, Aegolius funereus. Fauna Vorv., ser. C, Cinclus 9: 100-106.
5376 Taberlet, P. (1986): What barn owl (Tyto alba) pellets can tell us about the ecology of small mammals: A case study in Bas Chablais, Haute-Savoie (France). Rev. Ecol., Terre Vie 41 (2-3): 193-218.
5896 Wirminghaus, J.O., M.R. Perrin (1993): Seasonal changes in density, demography and body composition of small mammals in a southern temperate forest. Journal of Zoology (London) 229(2): 303-318. (English)
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