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Links - Other Links
of Interest to Mammalogists
Specializing in Small
Mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia)
Part: Other
interesting sites by people who have linked to the Shrew Site
- The Tapir Gallery: This is an
excellent site to visit if you are interested in long mammal snouts.
- Mustela
putorius: Recent information and references
on Mustela putorius, including works on ontogeny, genetics, ecology etc...
(Thierry Lodé)
- Zoology page by James Mahaffy:
- "If you are interested in Population, Evolution and Conservation
Genetics visit the new Population
Genetics Club. There are many services for visitors and members, all
of the FREE. Find relevant Journals, Institutions, Bibliography, Databases
and read the announcements conserning Jobs, Fellowships, Courses and Conferences.
You can also join a mailing list and receive the PGC Newsletter regularely.
- Encyclopedia Britannica: Shrews
- Animalwatch is an
educational journal presented by the Animal Knowledge & Information
Network. Articles focus on research, conservation and current animal events.
- Rodentmania: Rodent Reports,
Squirrel Section, Links, Advertise your Rodents, Rodent Digest, Drawing
collection - maintained by Sebastian
- Rawge's Wildlife:
Has links to other wildlife pages and to wildlife computer software and

If you wish to add your URL, please
e-mail me.
This web site was created by
Dr. Werner Haberl. Address: Hamburgerstrasse
11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria.