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Solar Toolbox (solar energy potential)


Gefährdungsanalyse nach EG - Maschinenrichtlinie
Analiza zagrożeń zgodnie z dyrektywą UE
AnTherm (Thermal Bridges)
AnTherm (Wärmebrücken)
GEBA (Gebäudesimulation)
Externe Kosten (ecopotential calculus)
WaeBru (thermal heat bridges)
WaeBru (Wärme Brücken)
HochSch (isolines and pseudocolor)
HochSch (Isolinien und Falschfarben)
SolRad3 (solar radiation)
SolRad3 (Sonnenstrahlung)
Solar Toolbox (solar energy potential)
Applet License
Gauß-Krüger (geo coordinate transform)
NatVent (natural ventilation)
NatVent (natural ventilation)
Kenn8110 (Bauteil Kenngrössen)
AVS-ARC/INFO (AVS modules)

The Solar Toolbox  was developed as joint efforts with bau><studio, M.Rudy .

The solar toolbox application focusses on graphically profiling buildings in a manner that is highly specific with regard to site location and urban situation (surrounding buildings and other solar obstructions), yet consisitent with the schematic naure of early design stages.

bau><studio provides theoretical background and the application too.

Interested? Contact me for more.

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Last Updated on 07 Juli 2009 18:11:03 +0200
Copyright © 1962-2009 by Tomasz Kornicki (TKO)

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