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The Shrew Photo Gallery
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Sorex palustris
and Sorex ornatus relictus
1) American Water Shrew (Sorex

(Photo by B.M. Peterson ©)
Caught at Mt. Hood, Clacckamas Co., Oregon on 11 February 1995
(Photo by Richard B. Forbes ©)

1) Water shrew ingesting waxworm.
2) Water shrew sleeping.
3) Water shrew diving for fish.
4) Close-up of water shrew.
5) Yearling water shrew with crayfish prey.
(Photos by Donald Rubbelke ©
2) Buena Vista Lake Shrew (Sorex
ornatus relictus)
According to B.M. Peterson's Information this species is endangered
and only 15 individuals have been seen in the past two years.

(Photo by B.M. Peterson ©)
2 of these photos were provided by B.M.
Peterson © (Wildlife
Research Photography) who permitted me to use them on my web site.
This web site was created by
Dr. Werner Haberl. Address: Hamburgerstrasse
11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria.